Kamis, 19 Maret 2009

Future Jobs

Nowadays Jobs Competition is so tough, we should improve our tactics to win the struggle for the future career. Personal Portfolio is an important element and we should pay attention for this issue. We can manage this Portfolio dilemma using a blog, we used blog as a tool to advertise our ability and skills trough internet. Build a blog about your profession or expertise, and then Concepts your blog simply, keep your blog entries short and informal. Post article as much as you can about your skills expertise or the trend around your profession.

Jobs recruiters will always try to dig out more about who we are. So why don’t we inform and impress the recruiters or hiring directors, blog can shows how you so enthusiastic and engaged with your industry. It also makes you look like an expert in your field.

Just imagines if you're competing with someone who has equal skills and experience, maybe a blog can close the gap. Having that little bit extra can tip the scales in your favor. This idea may help you get speaking engagements and interviews for future jobs.

"Used a blog as your networking and advertising tools, and it may help you too gain a victory in the future career"

Rabu, 11 Maret 2009

Tie Knot

Many people have few occasions to wear a tie in their daily lives. In some instances where a tie should be worn, a person might have forgotten how to correctly knot one, or never known in the first. so check it out!!

Four in hand knot

Advantage: It is the easiest to learn among the four most commonly used necktie knots.

Disadvantage: It is asymmetric, which does not look good on wide collar shirts.

Suitable occasion: It is a small tie knot that suits shirts with a narrow collar opening.

Half-Windsor Knot

Advantage: It is symmetric, more business like than the four-in-hand knot

Disadvantage: Suitable occasion: It is a little bit more difficult to tie than the four-in-hand knot.

Suitable occasion: It is suitable for most occasions.

Windsor knot

Advantage: It is symmetric, it gives a sense of nobility and it is a large necktie knot that looks elegant on wide collar shirts.

Disadvantage: If you use a tie made of thick materials, the resulting knot will be too large. It is not suitable for narrow collar shirts.

Suitable occasion: It suits shirts with a wide collar opening and its looks fabulous in business and political occasions.

The Double-simple

Is similar to the Four-in-hand, what differentiates them is a "second pass" or wrap-around.
This knot is ideal for men who are not particularly tall as it reduces the length of the finished tie. It is perfect with Italian collars and for ties made from a thin fabric, like silk. It is quick and easy to tie.

The Small knot or Oriental knot

Is the simplest method of tying a man's neckite, though some claim the simple knot is an alternate name for the four in hand knot. The small knot is not very well-known despite its simplicity. One of the reasons may be the fact that the small knot is not self-releasing, and may annoy people accustomed to four-in-hand and Windsor knots who pull at the tie to untangle the knot. Additionally, some prefer that, if the thin end of the tie should become visible, that it not be "inside out," and the small knot will be this way.

Rabu, 18 Februari 2009

youngest finger style guitar player

This 12 year old boy is the youngest finger style guitar player, since he was a child sung jung had been watching his father play the guitar, It didn’t take that long to make sungha jung to learn this music instrument, he has a natural talent is destined for greatness. It is really inspiring to watch this young master at work, Just look at how he has all spots controlled correctly.

Video Courtesy of sungha jung

Sabtu, 14 Februari 2009

How to Spell Branded items

Chanel: Merek kondang dari negri anggur ini dibaca seperti sya dan nel.

Cartier: Dilafalkan Kar-ti-e, bukan dibaca kartir.

Haute Couture: dibaca seperti membaca ot-ku-tur bukan hot-ku-cur.

Givenchy: adalah juga label Perancis. Dilafalkan seperti ghi-fang-syi.

Lanvin: Label Perancis ini dolafalkan sebagai lang-fang dan bukan lan-fin.

Versace: Label Italia yang dimiliki keluarga Versace. Dilafalkan sebagai ver-sa-ce (dibaca seperti membaca che-guevara),bukan sebagai ver-sa-ci.

Hermes: huruf H tidak perlu diperdengarkan,sehingga label ini dibaca seperti er (seperti menyebut huruf r) dan mes (seperti penyanyi memes). Umumnya dalam bahasa Perancis huruf s di akhir kata tidak dibaca, tetapi untuk menyebutkan label ini maka suara s diperdengarkan.

Yves Saint Laurent: juga berasal dari Perancis, dibaca seperti if-sang-lorang.

Ungaro: meskipun dalam menulis huruf g hanya satu, tetapi label ini dilafalkan seperti seolah menggunakan dua huruf g yaitu ung-ga-ro.

Dinner for Jakarta social elite

The OASIS RESTAURANT is housed in a grand two-storey mansion built in 1928 as the private residence in the Dutch East Indies of the millionaire, F.Brandenburg van Oltsende; the owner of extensive tea, rubber and cinchona estates. Great teakwood beams span the ceilings of the room, high above a sweeping checkerboard of gleaming white and black tiles. The strong colors are softened by incandescent wall lamps and the flood of light from magnificent crystal chandeliers, and by an enormous backlit, stained-glass window designed by the Dutch artist Robert Deppe.

It depicts the Dutch humanist, Desiderius Erasmus of Rotterdam (1466 - 1536), astride a horse, and the family coat of arms. With such opulence it is not surprising that the mansion was chosen by the last Governor General of the Dutch East Indies as his unofficial residence during World War II. It also became the post-war residence of the United States Naval Attache. The residence, with its beautiful garden, provided a glamorous setting for the annual Marine Ball. In 1970 the mansion gained a new lease of life as one of the finest restaurants in Indonesia. JL. Raden Saleh Raya no 47

LARA DJONGGRANG RESTAURANT is Inspired by the great 14th century expeditions of Javanese king Hayam Wuruk and the mystical legend of Lara Djonggrang. This legend is now documented into a most uniquely romantic restaurant in Jakarta, the enthralling menu reads like a gastronomical map of the archipelago.

Every dish has its own history, and as the countless variations of rice specialties will attest, all are equally good. Artfully presented and masterfully prepared, even simple dishes such as soybean cake fried in turmeric, tamarind-marinated prawns, and Balinese fish satay get a new lease on life. Jl. Teuku Cik Di Tiro 4, Menteng, Jakarta

DAPUR BABAH ELITE is much more than merely a restaurant, it is a living museum that celebrates 'Babah' culture, the culture of the distinct group that emerged in the colonial era as result of marriages between Chinese migrants who settled in Java and the local women they took for their wives. While the newcomers retained elements of the culture of their ancestral homeland, they adapted to their local surroundings.
Jl Veteran I / 18, Jakarta Pusat 10110

Diamonds Are Forever

Empat hal utama dalam memilih berlian adalah 4C :

  1. Colour, Warna (colour) terbaik adalah kelas D.
  2. Cut, kesamaan potongan (symmetrical)harus diperhatikan
  3. Carat
  4. Clarity, sedangkan untuk kejernihan (clarity) terbaik adalah kelas IF

Sertifikat sangat diutamakan dalam membeli berlian untuk memastikan kualitas 4C dari berlian yang anda beli. GIA adalah nama sertifikat berlian dari Amerika Serikat,sementara di Eropa lebih dikenal dengan nama Top Wheselton.

Beberapa bentuk dari berlian :

·Round (bundar), dikenal dengan berlian berbentuk bundar yang abadi

·Lazare Round Diamond,dikenal sebagai berlian round terindah dan termahal

·Pear (air mata) dan Marquise (wajik), pada umumnya memiliki sekitar 58 facet didalamnya (tergantung dalam bentuk besar atau kecilnya berlian), semakin banyak facet atau potongan didalamnya maka sinar cahaya yang dikeluarkan semakin indah.

·Oval (lonjong), pada umumnya memilki sekitar 58 facet didalamnya

·Radiant, memilki sekitar 70 facet didalamnya. Berlian ini akan sangat cocok untuk jenis jari yang agak panjang

·Princess, dengan tampak wajah yang bening dan indah seperti kaca, dapat terlihat sempurna dengan potongan berkisar 50 atau 58.

·Emerald, adalah fancy cut yang paling sederhana. Potongan ini membawa kesan aristocrat dan klasik bagi pemakainya.

·Heart (hati), bentuk yang feminim membuat bentuk diamond ini digemari para wanita.

·Triliant (segitiga), bentuk ini adalah yg termuda diantara fancy cut diamonds lainnya. Potongan ini paling pas jika mengapit sebuah berlian utama atau biasa disebut side diamond.

Jumat, 13 Februari 2009

Leather jacket:
Perfecto Jacket
Jacket ini memiliki potongan pendek. Terbuat dari kulit asli dan berpalet hitam legam bahkan cendrung shiny. Model jacket ini juga dikenal sebagai Bronx jacket yang merupakan produk orisinil semasa perang dunia ke 2. Aktor ternama Marlon Brando mempopulerkannya sekitar tahun 1954.jacket kulit ini sempat menjadi symbol pemberontakan kaum muda pada waktu itu sampai akhirnya di adaptasikan menjadi produk fashion mainstream.desainnya sangat mirip dengan jaket kulit jenis motorcycle jacket.

Flight Jacket
Panjangnya sebatas pinggang dengan detail elastis pada bagian pinggang dan pergelanggan lengan. Tak hanya material kulit yang dipakai, melainkan dikombinasikan dengan bahan baju lain. Jacket model ini merupakan seragam Pilot fighter US Air Force pada tahun 1950-an. Detailnya berkerah tegak kantong seperti bentuk tambalan dan mengaplikasikan resleting.

Bush Jacket atau Safari Jacket
Jaket kulit inin berdesain lebih panjang melebihi pinggang. Jacket ini merupakan seragam standart para ilmuwan saat melakukan ekspedisi ke afrika. Biasanya didesain dengan multisaku dengan ukuran hiperbola,single breasted dan berpalet coklat muda.

Shearling Jacket atau Irving Jacket
Jacket ini terbuat dari kulit domba, namun kombinasinya disepanjang garis kerah, depan dan lingkar lengan dengan bulu domba sehingga menguatkan kesan mewah.